David Williams, by Larry Robinett


This letter comes from Larry Robinett, Chair of the Ferguson Neighborhood Improvement Program.

Ward 1 Residents,

My name is Larry Robinett, and I am a 21-year resident of Ferguson, Ward 2. I have a long history of volunteering and leading of numerous programs here in our City; Community Garden Program, Old Ferguson West Neighborhood Association Board and Officer, Ferguson All-American City Competition 2010, and several positions on the various Boards and Commissions of our City. I am currently President of the Ferguson Neighborhood Improvement Board. I have served as treasurer and campaign manager for several City Council candidates in years past.

I am writing this letter of endorsement for David Williams as a candidate for Ward 1 City Council. I got to know David through the FNIP program as he worked to beautify his residence and utilized the programs reimbursement grants. It only took a couple of conversations for me to realize that David cared deeply about Ferguson and had a desire to improve the City by improving the youths’ experience.

David is a former employee of Boeing and holds a Master in Computer Science and Technology from Clark Atlanta University. Being passionate about reaching youth at a young age, to help steer them toward becoming productive, educated, tax paying citizens instead of living a life of crime and poverty. David chose to leave his employment at Boeing and start Williams Academy STL. His professional work experience in St. Louis, has driven him to find a higher need to contribute to the community for which he lives and works everyday. This project is the pinnacle of his dream to improve the lives of many young people and education professionals.

Once elected David plans to work diligently to be part of the solution to the division that often impedes our council. He realizes that public safety must be put forward as first consideration in any deliberations. Having communities where residents feel safe and that they have a voice into their local government is key to any improvement. I feel David will listen and work diligently to seek the best solutions on a case-by-case basis and yield the greatest good for Ferguson and our residents.

Larry Robinett


See other letters of support for candidates here.