Jamil Franklin, by Jamil Franklin


Jamil Frankin chose not to ask a resident for a letter supporting him but gave a statement instead. There is an email response from the Ferguson Observer contributor Sara Holmes following Franklin’s response, in which he incorrectly believe the Observer was not contacting all candidates.

Thank you for the invite but I will not be participating this time around. While I appreciate folks speaking highly of me, character, integrity, intelligence, and trustworthiness, all speak for themselves.   I believe we all have support from residents across all wards, and I believe the focus at this time is finishing the race strong, and participating in the candidate forum on the 28th.  That will be another key opportunity for us all to connect with supporters, non supporters, and neighbors on the fence as to why we are the best option to represent our great city.  I encourage my fellow candidates to participate if you like, and I believe Couniclpersons Nelson & Asby, were not included in this email.  You may want to consider giving them the option.  Again thanks for the invite, and I look forward to seeing you all on the 28th. 

Feel free to publish my email response in the next edition of the Observer.  



I emailed Phedra Nelson and Blake Ashby separately because they never provided a response to provide an email that is a personal or campaign email. City email cannot be used for campaign activities, it would have been inappropriate to have sent the email you received to a Ferguson city email.

I emailed them twice prior to the Q&A and received no response from either. That was noted in the Q&A that was posted. I emailed them again before sending this email to you and the rest of the candidates. They are not being excluded, but it is up to them to respond and provide an alternative email if they would like to participate. If either responds to provide a different email, I’ll be happy to send them the same offer to participate.

Thanks for your response,


See other letters of support for candidates here.