Upcoming Council Meeting Tues. 4/20/21


The next Ferguson City Council Meeting is held Tuesday April 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm and can be joined online via zoom or by phone with the below:

By Phone: 1-312-626-6799

By Zoom:


Meeting ID: 916 4931 4160

Passcode: 192101

Technically, this consists of two meetings. The first meeting will begin with outgoing council and the second will include the swearing-in of new and re-elected members (Phedra Nelson, Ward One; Toni Burrow, Ward Two; and Naquittia Noah, Ward Three).

What to watch for:

In the Special Session of Saturday April 17, 2021, (Summary, video, and transcript available) it was revealed in council discussion that the Mayor’s Task Force has been meeting without notice, agendas, or minutes being made public. The sole public document from this group indicated that its work overlapped that of city staff, council, and existing boards and commissions. The document also gives the group an implied power to direct the city staff. A motion was passed at that meeting that information on members of the task force and work done to date be presented at this meeting.

Also on the Agenda:

A Resolution endorsing the new Ferguson Community Branding

A Resolution introduced by Council member Toni Burrow for the “Code of Conduct for Elected Officials.”

A Special Use Permit for Bling Beauty Bar & Spa at 102 South Florissant Road.

What’s Next:

Watch for more to come from the Ferguson Observer about this meeting (including a summary, video recording and transcript), as well as further information on the Mayor’s Task Force and filings for Sunshine Law violations made to the State Attorney General.