Upcoming City Council Meetings May 10-12


This week kicks off three nights of Ferguson City Council meetings. Monday and Wednesday are special sessions for the Budget and Tuesday is the regular council meeting. As usual you can expect a recap here on the Ferguson Observer. For those interested in catching the meetings, check the times and access info below:

Monday Special Session, review and discussion of the 2020-2021 budget focuses on Parks, Fire, Police, Courts and the Ferguson Special Business District (FSBD). Meeting begins at 6:00 pm and can be viewed on zoom or call in by phone:

By Zoom:


Meeting ID: 915 8024 1785 

Passcode: 284161 

Or by phone: 1 312 626 6799 

Tuesday Regular Council Meeting includes a Community Policing Update, COVID-19 Update, and Burlington Coat Factory update. A Resolution for vendor selection for the front doors of the salt storage at the city Public Works Yard (901 Ferguson Ave.) and a second reading for a bill for a special use permit for Jade Laundry to operate a laundromat at 497 Airport Rd. are also on the agenda. Meeting begins at 7:00 pm and can be viewed on zoom or call in by phone:

By Zoom:


Meeting ID: 916 4931 4160 

Passcode: 192101 

Or by phone: 1 312 626 6799 

Wednesday Special Session, begins discussion of the 2021-2022 budget and will cover sewer lateral, Farmers Market, and General Fund divisions of the City Manager’s Office, City Wide, Information Technology, Planning and Development, Human Resources, and Finance. Meeting begins at 6:00 pm and can be viewed on zoom or call in by phone:

By Zoom: 


Meeting ID: 915 8024 1785 

Passcode: 284161 

Or by phone: 1 312 626 6799