This Week in Ferguson (Nov. 1-6)

January Wabash Park, Octobver 2011. Photo by Tim Larson

This week things seem to be slowing down—briefly. Or maybe more people need to add their events? If so, just send an email to us. Pictures or graphics can be included!  This may be a good week to spend some time just enjoying one of Ferguson’s parks and enjoying seeing the colors changing on the trees around us.

Here’s the rundown for this week (always check for details at the event links, not all events are free):

Monday, November 1

The Ferguson Public Library has a new craft kit ready for pick-up on a first-come, first-served basis. This week’s craft is a “Marker Watercolor Art.” Get one while they last!

School is out Monday and Tuesday, and Ferguson Parks and Rec has a special camp available from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm on both days. Campers can be dropped off anytime, but must be signed out by an authorized parent/guardian and bring their own lunch. See Ferguson Parks for more.

Get organized for your Thanksgiving plans by joining the Ferguson Library on their Facebook for a live event on Thanksgiving Planning at 7:00 pm. Just look for their Facebook Live for the event.

Tuesday, November 2

The second day of School’s Out Camp is at the Community Center. See the description above for Monday for more.

The Forestwood Neighborhood Association meeting is held on Zoom/phone at 7:00 pm. Need to see a map of neighborhood association? Check this link here.

Saturday, November 6

Enjoy the brisk fall weather and join Walk Ferguson for their weekly route (check their Facebook for meet-up and route).

And we weren’t kidding when we suggested several weeks that you buy your tickets now for the Ferguson Main Street Christmas Caroling Pub Crawl tickets are already selling quickly!