House burns in Jeske Park


A vacant home at 219 Robert sustained significant damage in a fire yesterday evening. The fire, which appears to have started in a small addition at the rear of the home, did not damage the roof of the main structure. However, it appears that significant smoke damage affected the entire house, to the extent of shattering out an upstairs window in the front of the home.

The house had recently undergone significant renovation, after being vacant for many years. It is presently owned by WMAC, a national investment firm which acquires tax sale properties. WMAC owns more than 60 houses in St. Louis county. WMAC purchased it in the 2016 tax sale, for $12,469, and have paid property taxes since then. WMAC also owns 701 Robert, 410 Averill, 200 Henquin, and 419 Ruggles.

(Photo credit: Night photo by Meg Brinkley, day photos by Nick Kasoff)