Ferguson Animal Non-Profit Launched


The following information comes to us from our resident advocate for our four footed friends, Dara Ashby.

Hey Ferguson! 

We’ve started a new 501c3 non profit group here called Ferguson Animal Coalition! Our goal is to help our resident dogs n cats have a better life and give support to their families! 

We’ve compiled an info sheet for the City of Ferguson and residents, that covers an array of dog and cat topics. 

Our goals are to provide public education, dog basic training, assistance with fence repairs, trolley systems, feral cat TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release), low cost vaccination and microchip clinics, and much, more. 

We need a village of volunteers! If you would like to sign up to help, we would love to have you! Shoot me an email with your name, number, and how you’d like to help. Also join our brand new FB page. 

Future volunteer needs are:  temp holding for stray dogs or cats found, fence repairs,  booth coverage at Farmer’s Market, transporters for TNR, and much more. If you’d like to volunteer, we will find a job for you. 

Together we can help our Ferguson resident pets! 😺🐶