Ferguson Observer

Ella Jones: My First Six Months

Editor’s note: Out of respect for the mayor, we are publishing this as it was submitted to us, without edit or comment.

June 16, 2020 thru December 31, 2020

My goal is to share a panoramic view of my first six months serving as Mayor of Ferguson. I was sworn into office during the COVID-19 pandemic, which came with minimal instructions on how to navigate the best approach for health and welfare of the citizens. We are now coming out of the pandemic thanks to the first responders with their acts of courage and kindness toward the citizens.

Many people are inquiring as to what I have accomplished during my term in office. My goal in this article is to share with the citizens HIGHLIGHTS of the work that I have accomplished during the first 6 months in office. Much of what is presented is abbreviated in order to conserve space and because some items are governed by legal matters therefore can’t be shared publicly.


Month by Month Accounting
By sharing this abbreviated monthly accounting, you will come to know that the citizens are always my top priority. All highlights are grouped by months.
-Attended the federal status hearings and contributed my commentary.
-Attended and participated in the St. Louis Metro Housing Task Force Meetings, the Our Ferguson Steering Committee Meetings, The Avant Rebranding Committee Meetings, the Completed Count Committee Meetings for the 2020 Census, and the Mercy Clinic Meetings.
-Attended all St. Louis County Meetings for COVID-19 relief and the CARES Act.
-Halpin Park meeting with the Emerson Family YMCA.

June 2020

July 2020

September 2020
-Cleaned up Ferguson Ave. with Councilwoman Fran Griffin, Latasha
-Received and replied to citizen’s concerns regarding speeding, cars broken into, property dispute with neighbors.
-Held conversations with citizens to serve on the Mayor’s Task Force
-Attended rally and press conference at the Urban League for 2020 Census.
-Attended the Ameren Community Voice Event via Zoom.
-Mayor’s Town Hall Meeting

October 2020
-Corresponded with and resolved citizens calls concerning 18 wheelers parking overnight at the abandoned Toys R Us building.
-Received and replied to concerns about speeding; shots fired; especially in Canfield Green Apartments, and more.
-EPA Meeting via Zoom

November 2020
-Received and replied to seniors’ questions about where to receive vaccinations for the coronavirus.
-Dealt with calls about vehicles without license plates.
-Attended Flu shot distribution with Adopt A Block in Oakmont Townhouse Complex in Ward 3.
-Attended the Dental Care Mobile Van for Children program on the Urban League parking lot.

December 2020
-Received and replied to calls from citizens about vaccinations, speeding shots fired, trees falling, and more.
-Responded to a call from the Jennings’ Mayor and subsequently attended meetings via Zoom with Ferguson’s Staff, Jennings’s Staff and S. Louis County Department of Transportation, concerning street closures in Jennings in Ward 3.

The second half of my first year, January through June will be in the September issue of this paper.

Thank you,
Mayor Ella Jones

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