Documents – Donald Cash appointment


On February 8, Donald Cash was appointed to the Ferguson Traffic Commission. This appointment was done by a roll call vote (see video at 2:15, a lengthy debate precedes it). Councilors Griffin, Nelson, Noah, and mayor Jones voted in favor of the appointment.

Mr. Cash’s application to the commission indicates he resides at 5922 Bermuda Drive.

Donald Cash – Application submitted for traffic commission

We confirmed this was his correct address through county personal property tax records.

Donald Cash, personal property tax record, obtain from St. Louis County

We also confirmed his address through the Secretary of State voter registration database.

Donald Cash, voter registration, retrieved March 1, 2022.

The county assessor’s record for that address indicates it is in the city of Normandy.

County assessor record for 5922 Bermuda

Ferguson ordinance 44-31 requires that traffic commission members must be residents of the city.

Ferguson ordinance 44-31

Therefore, Mr. Cash is not eligible to serve on the traffic commission.

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Nick Kasoff
Nick Kasoff, the editor of The Ferguson Observer, is a tax professional, landlord, information systems consultant, Libertarian committeeman, and community activist. A Ferguson resident since 2005, he formed the Observer with the help of a strong crew of fellow volunteers, who shared his belief that a regular record of the events and musings of this community was of great importance.