This Week in Ferguson, Omicron has brought a big spike to COVID infections. With problems ranging from receiving mail, to finding your favorite restaurant closed, or simply finding what you need at the grocery store also increasing, your top event of the week may be finding a Covid test. *Note: If you have trouble breathing, have chest pain, have a patient that is confused or not easily aroused, or have bluish lips or face get medical attention immediately. Here’s a local rundown of test options in and near Ferguson (then find this week’s regular events following this special section):
FREE Covid tests:
County Health remains the biggest tester, but appointments are currently made days in advance, the bonus is hopefully less wait time on site. There are multiple test sites, including John C. Murphy Health Center on Hanley in Berkeley, North Central Health Center on Jennings Station Rd. in Pine Lawn, and the North County Recreation Complex on Redman in North County. The Rec Complex offers saliva testing, no swabs used. Walk-ins are not permitted. Testing is done drive-through or curbside. You can schedule tests online at this county website. Results should be ready in 24-48 hours.
Dellwood Pharmacy offers walk-in rapid tests as well as Covid vaccines and flu shots. Available Monday-Friday, 10 am to 4 pm at the Dellwood Recreation Center at 10266 West Florissant.
Free Rapid & PCR Testing at 6219 W. Florissant Ave. is open on a drive-in basis without appointments everyday. Tuesday and Thursday the site opens at 8:00 am, the rest of the week it opens at 10:00 am. Testing ends at 5:00 pm. See this link for more information and any possible changes in hours.
Walgreens Pharmacy offers free drive-through testing on an appointment basis. Check this link for availability. Again, appointments are currently scheduled several days out, but can be made for right here in Ferguson.
CVS Pharmacy also offers free testing by appointment, which are currently scheduled several days out and may be harder to find closer to Ferguson. Check this link for availability.
St. Peter’s UCC Community Resource Center will offer Drive-Through COVID Testing on Monday, January 17th from 10 am to 2 pm. A current driver’s license is required. Just head over to 1433 Stein Rd. (This is a special event, not a regular testing site.)
FREE Home tests
The State of Missouri does offer free at-home tests on request. Currently demand has outpaced supply, and orders are paused. Beginning on Wednesday, Jan. 12., residents can begin requesting kits while they last. A limited quantity will be available each day from January 12th through the end of the month. If the limit for one day has been reached, check back again the next day. This option allows for ordering a kit to be shipped to home. After self-collection by easy-to-follow instructions, the kit is returned to a laboratory free of charge via FedEx. You must provide an email address in order to receive the test result. Once ordered, the kit typically arrives in 2 days (depending on current demand). The kit is good for 6 months. Once the sample has been collected, it must be packaged in the prepaid FedEx shipping envelope (according to directions) and returned to a FedEx collection site within 24 hours. Check this link here beginning on Wednesday to make a request for a kit.
*UPDATE* A new federal requirement was announced Monday, Jan. 10th, which requires private insurance to cover the cost of up to 8 home tests per month beginning January 15, 2022. Please refer to your insurance plan for what tests are covered, how to obtain them, and how to get reimbursed. You can find the news release here for more information.
PAID-FOR Home Tests
Are in short supply right now. The Ferguson Walgreens had some in stock on Sunday and will hopefully continue to have them available. Other pharmacies may also offer them. Amazon has some with delivery times 2-3 weeks out. Do purchase from a reputable company. Covid testing scams are out there!
Tested at home and want to report a positive result to County Health?
While there is no reporting requirement, DPH has created an email account for anyone who wishes to report a positive COVID test result. That email is dph.submission@stlouiscountymo.gov.
Now, in non-pandemic related news–
Still have a Christmas Tree in need of recycling. St. Louis County Parks and Missouri Department of Recycling offers a recycling program through January 16th. Donated trees for use in Spanish Lake to create habitats for fish. There are four drop off locations, including Spanish Lake and Creve Coeur Parks. See this link for more information.
The Ferguson Public Library has a new craft kit ready for pick-up on a first-come, first-served basis. This week’s craft is “Beaded Snowflake Pin.” Bead up a wearable snowflake with this week’s craft! Pick up a kit to make your own beaded snowflake pin while supplies last all this week at the library. Get one while they last!
The Winter Reading Challenge is still on that Library, pick up a reading log if you need one. Logs need to be returned by January 29th to get a reward and a chance to win a $75 gift certificate. See here for more information.
Monday, January 10
The Readings on Race Book Club meets at 6:00 pm. If you would like to join the book club, please contact the Library at feedback@fergusonlibrary.net. For more information about the book club, take a look at the Ferguson Library’s Book Clubs page.
The Civilian Review Board meets at 6:30 pm tonight. You can see the agenda here. Join by zoom at: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82306800100… Meeting ID: 823 0680 0100, Passcode: 370766 or call in 312-626-6799.
Tuesday, January 11
The Ferguson City Council has a meeting at 7:00 pm to whenever which is accessible on Zoom at this link. Meeting ID: 916 4931 4160 and passcode: 192101. You can also join by calling in at 312-626-6799. You can find the Agenda here at this link.
Wednesday January 12

Input Meeting for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund use takes place on Zoom from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at this Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 850 6337 9088 and
Passcode: 771838. You can also call in at 312-626-6799. Attendees can expect to break into small groups over Zoom after a brief presentation and will return to the larger group to discuss ideas. This is the last input meeting, but not the final opportunity to provide input. Check this page for more information from City Manager Eric Osterberg.
Saturday, January 15
Walk Ferguson returns with another Saturday morning at 9:00 am. Check their Facebook page for the route and meeting location (as well as any changes due to weather conditions).
Kitty Cat Storytime with the Ferguson Library begins at 2:00 pm. We’re smitten with kittens at Storytime! We’ll enjoy stories and songs about cats that will be sure to leave you purring. Join us on Facebook!