Traffic Calming Measures


This column is a response to a guest editorial favoring traffic calming which we published here on May 14. The authors of the original column have responded to this editorial.

As Mayor of Ferguson, I am committed to the safety and wellbeing of all our citizens, visitors, and businesses in our City with the overall goal of improving the quality of life for all. When presented with the idea of traffic calming for Florissant Road my thoughts immediately went to the residents who lives on Church Ave, Wesley Ave. and the other surrounding areas where the traffic may shift. I am all for improving safety through traffic flow (calming) and any other practical measures that will slow traffic, improve pedestrian safety, and make our businesses more accessible. A thorough, carefully thought-out approach must be engaged if Ferguson is going to spend significant and rare public dollars for any capital improvements/infrastructure project. This is true for Florissant Avenue or any other roadway.

I was recently approached and presented with the idea of an independent effort to raise money to fund the changing of the selected road way of Florissant Avenue to three lanes. As the person who the voters of Ferguson vested their trust and faith in, as Mayor, I strongly feel that this concept should be brought before the Council and the citizens of Ferguson, which I have stated several times. But more importantly, public policy should not be driven by special interest but instead be based on firm public policy, policy that is fact based. This is a significant issue and must be supported by the council and the people of Ferguson. Public safety, including traffic calming, is at the forefront of everyone but we must be deliberate in our efforts and it must identify funding sources. Although this matter came before us several years ago, I insist on due diligence and an aggressive public/community engagement program before we move forward.

As Mayor, I insist that our approach to governance and policy will not duplicate past administrations who ruled on whims. That is not good public policy, and we pay dearly for those indiscretions, financially and otherwise for all too often this style of poor leadership takes us away from truly moving our city forward. This city belongs to its people and its stakeholders. I am and will always be, committed to maintaining those principles.

Mayor Ella Jones