Upcoming Council Meetings for 5/24/-5/25/21


Two meetings in a row are up this Monday and Tuesday for the Ferguson City Council. The first is a closed session at 6:00 pm Monday 5/24/21. There was also a closed session last Friday 5/21/21 and one or both closed sessions is for budget discussion related to personnel salary.

On Tuesday 5/25/21, the regular council meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm. On the agenda are special presentations to be made on the Consent Decree by city staff member and Decree Coordinator Nicolle Barton and the Ferguson Neighborhood News, to be presented by Tony Lonero and Bob McGartland.

Also on the agenda is a resolution to execute a contract with Houseal Lavigne to prepare a revised and updated zoning, subdivision, and sign code for the city. As stated in the Resolution, the contract is a result of an RFP that received four responses and Lavigne was selected by city staff and recommended by the planning commission. The cost will be up to $129,650.

You can join the council meeting on Tuesday at 7:00 by Zoom or by phone or watch for the recording to be posted here on the Observer.

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91649314160?pwd=eGp6VTdWODMvT1FDUEdXZlJzYTVIdz09

Meeting ID: 916 4931 4160 Passcode: 192101

Phone: 1 312 626 6799

And if you want to see the ritual of opening a public meeting only to call roll, move to start a closed session, and then kick all public viewers from the session, head on over on Monday at 6:00. (We won’t be recording this session.)

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95672843151?pwd=cXp6UnVvdmt6cXpjWlFxS1pRYk10Zz09

Meeting ID: 956 7284 3151 Passcode: 381393

Phone: 312 626 6799