This Week in Ferguson (Nov. 8-Nov. 14)

View of sculpture in Jeske Park from October 2018.
A view of sculpture in Jeske Park in October 2018. Did you know the sculptures on view at Jeske Park are regularly changed so that new ones are placed on display? Photo by Tim Larson

There is still time this week to enjoy the fall weather. Take advantage and enjoy a meal outside while you still can! And consider dropping off a donation for local food banks to any of the three city sites collecting for the Feed the Masses Food Drive being held now through November 30th. Just drop off your food donations at the Community Center, Fire House No. 1, or the Police Department. Do you have an event to add to the calendar? If so, just send an email to us. Pictures or graphics can be included! 

Here’s the rundown for this week (always check for details at the event links, not all events are free):

Monday, November 8

The Ferguson Public Library has a new craft kit ready for pick-up on a first-come, first-served basis. This week’s craft is “Stamped Leaf Painting.” Get one while they last!

The Library is also looking out for those early planners with their next installment for organizing your Thanksgiving. Tonight’s focus is one making The Perfect Pie. Join their Facebook for a live event at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday, November 9

City Council holds a Special Meeting at 6:00 pm for discussion of the Vaccine Mandate, Redistricting Commission, and the Code for Property Maintenance. The meeting is held on Zoom and can be joined at this link, or you can call in at 312-626-6799, Meeting ID: 851 9619 2038, Passcode: 823392

The Regular City Council Meeting begins at 7:00 pm and has several resolutions and bills on the agenda. The meeting is held on Zoom and can be joined at this link, or you can call in at 312-626-6799, Meeting ID: 916 4931 4160, Passcode: 192101

Wednesday, November 10

Preschool Pop-Up Playdate is at 10:00 am at Forestwood Park. There will be outdoor games, hula hoops, balls, and of course the park playground!

Thursday, November 11

Veterans Day! Be sure to thank your Veterans! (And don’t forget there is no mail or postal service on this Federal Holiday.)

Saturday, November 13

Enjoy the brisk fall weather and join Walk Ferguson for their weekly route (check their Facebook for meet-up and route).

Coming Up Soon!

Buy your tickets now for the Ferguson Main Street Christmas Caroling Pub Crawl this event will sell out quickly!

And tickets for the 2021 Christmas House Tour will be on sale November 26th!