Ferguson Observer

Police Support Group Proposed

We are interested in forming a residents’ group to help the Ferguson Police Department. 

The residents of Ferguson very strongly support the continuation of an independent Ferguson Police Department and appreciate the work the Department does.  Unfortunately, our department is under tremendous stress right now, for a range of different reasons.  Residents of Ferguson can’t take on the responsibilities of policing, however we may be able to do things that help take some of the pressure off the police, help public safety and hopefully let our officers know how much we appreciate them. 

The support group would explore different initiatives, most involving citizen participation, that would help address specific challenges facing our city.  The goal would be to get citizens involved in things that make our officers’ jobs easier and hopefully our city safer.  The resident engagement would also strengthen the bond between the residents and the Department. 

Following are some of the possible initiatives that the group could explore and work with the department to implement:

Assist In Recruiting 

Digital Watch

Develop a Mobile Surveillance Unit

Traffic Calming: 

Abandoned Property Research

Explore bringing back Red Light Cameras

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