New Slate of City Manager Candidates Announced


On Friday, the city rolled out notices for two events to be held this coming Thursday and Friday evenings for a new round of City Manager candidate interviews. Although not formally stated, we understand that none of the four candidates previously interviewed remain in contention for the position. Survey Monkey responses are set up for residents to make comments after each event.

On Thursday, June 10, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM is a Community Panel Interview that can be attended through Zoom or by phone with the connection information here:


Or by Phone: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 996 9040 1854

Password: 805114


On Friday, June 11, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM is a Town Hall event that can be attended through Zoom or by phone with the connection information below. The questions submitted from residents in the previous round for the first candidates are being used again in this Town Hall session.


Or by Phone: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 961 6636 0564

Password: 170362


The city is not releasing resumes but has released the names of the current three candidates. We have done some checking online and informally asking around. If we have missed anything of interest, please add a comment or get in touch with us at the Observer.

In alphabetical order, the candidates are:

Nathan Mai-Lombardo is currently working for the city of South Fulton, Georgia as a Planning and Zoning Administrator for the past 14 months. He has family ties to Ferguson and spent seven months from November 2013 to May 2014 as City Manager of Berkeley just next door. Asking around town gives mixed reviews of his time there, with some saying he was pushed out for cleaning up corruption and others saying he was in over his head. After leaving his job in Berkeley, he spent close to six years as a business analyst for Delta Air Lines. His educational background includes a Master in City and Regional Planning from Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master in Public Administration from Savannah State University. We found his Facebook page, though public postings are quite sparse. You can check out his LinkedIn here. South Fulton is a city of just under 100,000, in the metro Atlanta area.

Eric Osterberg is currently Assistant to the City Manager of Klamath Falls, Oregon, where he has served since April 2020. He received a Master of Public Administration from the University of Colorado, Denver in 2018. He also worked as a Management Analyst with the City of Lonetree, Colorado for close to three years. He appears to enjoy Bridgerton and the video game Final Fantasy, while not over-indulging in public Facebook posts. You can also check out his LinkedIn here. Klamath Falls is a remote town of 21,000 in southern Oregon, near the California border.

Michael C. Raymond is currently Director of Business and Communication at Triad School District in Troy, Illinois, a position he has held since June 2019. He previously spent seven years with the Troy Police Department, the last year as a School Resource Officer. He has received a Master of Business Administration from Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, in 2020 and a Master of Public Administration in Organizational Leadership from SIU, Edwardsville in 2018. He has also served as a coordinator for the Illinois Special Olympics. He has a public Facebook page that consists of positive posts related to his current work and his former employer, the Troy PD. Looks like he has done the St. Louis Escape Room. You can also check out his LinkedIn here. Troy is a metro east town of 10,000, located just south of Edwardsville.