Ferguson Observer

Morning Exercise

This morning, a sizable crew of Ferguson residents volunteered to be sweaty and sore, moving and spreading mountains of mulch at four Ferguson parks. Playgrounds at each park had not been mulched in a long time, and were a patchwork of grass and mud. Organized by Mike Palmer, a team of volunteers spread out to four city parks, distributing mulch which the city delivered on Friday. Thanks to all who came out to help … and don’t forget the BENGAY!

  • Dade Park
  • Big mountain of mulch at Dade
  • Dade before mulching
  • Dade before mulching
  • Mike Lonero's tractor
  • Working up a sweat at Dade
  • Young Lonero handling a big shovel
  • No child labor laws in effect
  • Teamwork by little Loneros
  • Spring Valley Park
  • Getting started at Spring Valley
  • Nesbit Newton Park
  • In progress at Nesbit Newton
  • Lang Royce Park
  • All done at Lang Royce
  • Mayor pops in at Dade Park
  • Mayor departs after declining loan of rake from volunteer
  • Mayor holds rake at Nesbit Newton
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