Mission to Mow


Do you have an elderly neighbor who is unable to cut her grass? Is there an abandoned property that is a disgrace to your entire block? The folks at First Baptist Ferguson are launching a mission outreach that can help. Led by associate pastor Doug Inman, Engage NOCO is a new venture under their mission statement, “Love God, love people, and engage the community.”

They’ve already purchased a beautiful new trailer, in which they’ll be hauling everything needed to provide a badly needed service for those who need help. Inside, there’s a John Deere lawn tractor, with other equipment on the way. They’ll be launching soon – look for their float in the Ferguson 4th of July parade. And that trailer may be coming to a home near you. Information on how to get a needy individual signed up for service will be coming out soon.

In the meanwhile, donations are welcome to help launch and grow this community service. All donations are welcome, and recognition will be provided in promotional material for donations of $100 or more. And a lucky few will be trailer sponsors – for a $1,000 donation to this ministry, your logo can appear on the side of this trailer. Due to space limitations, that’s strictly limited to 8 donors, so act fast! If you’re interested in donating, please email doug@fbcferguson.org or call him at (314) 780-5685. For donations of $100 or less, you can also donate online. And check back at their website soon for “before and after” photos.