The Mayor’s Task Force Returns


An agenda for the Mayor’s Task Force for Thursday, September 9, 2021, was posted on the city website yesterday. A notice did not go out to those with email or text alerts for city events, nor was a courtesy notice of the meeting given to all council members. This is the first time notice of a meeting of this committee has been posted in accordance with the state’s Sunshine Law. The group previously met in violation of state law an unknown total of number of times before the illegal activity was discovered by other members of the council.

Although Mayor Ella Jones had claimed in that special council meeting held on April 17, 2021 that subcommittee reports were forthcoming, all that was ever produced was a jumble of notes from various meetings, including discussion which both overlapped on city staff duties and also veered away entirely into matters that the city has no oversight. Also troubling, a member of the Task Force contacted city staff and got a line item added to the city budget for a project in which he wants the city to hire one of his students.

The agenda can be found here. The meeting is scheduled to be held at 11:00 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 817 2495 3522
Passcode: 960714

By phone: +1 312 626 6799

The Observer will be watching and plans to bring you the story. Check back later on Thursday for a summary and video.