Ferguson city council meeting

Agenda includes selection of a pool manager, and updating the criminal background check standards for city employees. Agenda: http://www.fergusoncity.com/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_01122021-868 Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92474077052?pwd=UnhuczBZaW1oN3FITUlzZzNUTWVodz09    

Candidate filing deadline

City Hall 110 Church Street, Ferguson, MO, United States

City council candidates for the April election must file their petitions by 5:00 pm on January 19.

Innovative Approaches to Seeking Racial Equity in Law Enforcement Oversight

Webinar, originally broadcast as part of the 2020 National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE) Annual Conference, followed by discussion. Click event to see Zoom link, or listen by phone at 312-626-6799. Meeting ID: 998 0201 5783 Passcode: 5465132