Council Summary for Nov. 8, 2023: Recall on ballot, Elicious Breakfast & Brunch gets liquor license


Tonight’s Council was the second surprisingly brief meeting in a row. The 55-minute-long meeting was largely due to the absence of the City Manager due to illness. Highlights of the meeting included passage of the resolution to hold a recall for Ward 2 Council Member Toni Burrow in the February election ballot and a liquor license for Elicious restaurant which will allow them to serve mimosas at their breakfasts and brunches.

Public Comments

William Humphrey, a resident, explained that he was potentially interested in the Whistle Stop property but was having trouble finding information or make contact with someone in the city concerning it. He had emailed Elliott Liebson more than once but still had not heard back.

Nick Kasoff spoke on the resolution for placing the recall on the February ballot. He stated that this was not a discretionary resolution and that the council had to pass it because the charter requires it. He trusted that the council would follow their statutory duty tonight in their vote for the resolution.

Jill Holtrop spoke in favor of having money budgeted for the city to have a specialist in public relations to work on promoting the special events the city holds.

Erica Brooks continued her comment from the last meeting about the purported Willie Lynch letter on slavery.

Adrian Shropshire said he sees a change on Chambers and believes the police are properly enforcing speeding and vehicle license plates now. He believes the new lights on Chambers have lowered accidents and that we should put the roundabout on hold and just see if the lights work. He also spoke about stray dogs and that he feels putting up decorations on the streetlights now looks tacky.

Annette Jenkins spoke, saying she believes that the city manager going to Clayton to Sam Page’s office about stray dogs was a waste of taxpayer money. She asked, “Why are we using city funds for dogs?”

The city clerk read an email received for public comment from the Citizen Review Board stating that they appreciated having two new members appointed in August, but they still have two vacancies and have struggled to get a quorum in order to meet. Three meetings have been cancelled because of the vacancies.

City Manager’s Report

The report was cancelled due to the manager’s illness.

Liquor Licenses

Elicious Breakfast and Brunch applied for a liquor license for the purpose of having a full bar and also having mimosas. License was approved.

There are several liquor licenses that had been extended earlier to allow the process to be completed. These include the Savoy, Phillips 66, Ofure Palace, King of Soul, Blessed Theresa, and R & R. Councilor Lipka raised the question of whether there was still a problem of a backlog for code inspections. The conditional license they have now expires November 23rd. It was discussed if another extension would be needed. Clerk Octavia Pittman said they have each received notifications of the expiration, but she can speak to code and see where they are now.


The resolution for selecting a fireworks vendor for Juneteenth was postponed to December to allow for staff input before a vote is taken.

A resolution for submitting a project proposal to St. Louis County’s grant program for waste reduction efforts to reduce solid waste in landfills was passed unanimously.

A resolution to hold a special municipal election on February 7, 2023, in Ward 2 for the Petition to Recall Joanne T. Burrow, Councilor, was passed. Councilor Burrow was the sole vote against the resolution.

Unfinished Business

Mayor Jones spoke in favor of reviewing the recommendation of Donald Stevens who stated that Northland Hills Subdivision “should remain in ward 1 due to future discussions in reference to becoming a historic district.” Stevens also included a petition with his comments, which includes the signature of councilor Phedra Nelson on its last page which was struck out. Also submitted was a comment from Nick Kasoff which made a suggestion of preventing the creation of single “orphan block” in Robert Superior neighborhood. (Citizen comments can be viewed here. Additional links to the Redistricting information packet can be found in the agenda here.)

Councilor Lipka suggested that conversation of the council be postponed so that a work session could be coordinated with the members of the Redistricting Commission so that they can give input on these suggestions. The motion for a work session was passed.