Upcoming Council Meetings: Budget 5/18 & Special Closed Session 5/21/21


Tonight brings us the third session of this year’s budget meetings. On the agenda are the 2022 budget requests for Council and Clerk, CIP and Capital Funds, and “Additional information, as needed.” Meeting begins at 6:00 pm, 5/18/21. We plan to record and post this meeting. The Budget summary and binder still have not been posted online for public access, so expect us to complain to City Hall today. A summary of the three budget meetings will be coming later.

The meeting can be joined by phone or by Zoom.
By zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91580241785?pwd=blZvQ1lJUDIrSTVnQUd3ekI3RGltUT09

Meeting ID: 915 8024 1785
Passcode: 284161

Or by phone: 312-626-6799

And on Friday comes a Special Meeting for the council to go into closed session. The meeting will be publicly called to order and roll call taken, then the council will move to enter a closed session that is not public. If your Friday night plans are slow, be ready at 6:00 pm, 5/21/21 to join this very short meeting. We don’t plan to record this meeting.

The meeting can be joined by phone or by Zoom.
By zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95672843151?pwd=cXp6UnVvdmt6cXpjWlFxS1pRYk10Zz09

Meeting ID: 956 7284 3151
Passcode: 381393
By phone: 312-626-6799