Upcoming Council Meeting for Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021


The next Ferguson City Council Meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 7:00 pm and can be joined by phone or online:

By Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91649314160?pwd=eGp6VTdWODMvT1FDUEdXZlJzYTVIdz09

Or by phone: 1-312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 916 4931 4160

Passcode: 192101

As always, anyone wishing to make a public comment, whether for the meeting or one of the scheduled public hearings, must email FergusonQuestions@fergusoncity.com by Monday 5:00 pm the day before the meeting.

On the Agenda is the City Manager’s report, including a COVID and Community Policing Update, public hearings, and bills requiring first and second readings. Included in the Consent Agenda is a spate of meeting minutes from council meetings in April, May, and June. Interestingly, this includes the Special Meeting of April 17, 2021 concerning the Mayor’s Task Force which includes a number of unfulfilled promises to the council concerning providing a report to the council, an agreement to review the language, and to provide information on subcommittees and their leaders. As can be seen on the City’s website, all that is available is the text critiqued at that April meeting, and a blank page on the subcommittees.

Public Hearings are scheduled for:

  1. Consideration for a liquor license within 300 feet of a church or school for Vibez Daiquiri Bar at 975 South Florissant. This is in the former Vive la Shear Salon which is immediately across Fairview Lane from the athletic field of STEAM Academy at McCluer South.
  • The 2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Only certain areas of the city are eligible for this grant. Discussion in the special meeting on August 19 centered on applying for grant money for street repair of street sections with failing infrastructure. You can revisit that meeting here, and see the CDBG Participant Handout here.

Bills for First Reading are:

An ordinance for granting a special use permit to Kevin Rhodes for a Barbershop at 1028 South Florissant (same as in public hearing).

Bills for Second Reading are:

  1. A special use permit to Marissa Ross, Lotuslash Extensions, at 9191 West Florissant, Suite 205. [Despite the typo of “South Florissant” used in the first reading for this bill was recognized by Council Member Heather Robinett in the previous meeting, both the agenda and the bill were incorrectly posted giving the wrong street name in this meeting.]
  2. A special use permit to Aaron’s Inc. for a Rent-to-Own store at 10740 West Florissant.
  3. Ordinance to execute deed of transfer from St. Louis County to the City for 10607 New Halls Ferry. This is an odd-shaped lot that has never been developed and is located next door to Meineke (and wraps around behind both the Meineke and A1 Wine and Spirit) just at the point where Old and New Halls Ferry Roads fork. The City posted a Request for Proposals for its development in 9/2/21 that is open until whenever it may be awarded.

And yet another closed session is scheduled after the Miscellaneous section of the public meeting.